• Work Injury Disputes

    In NSW the laws have changed, you’re now entitled to free legal assistance.

    Know Your Rights

Work Injury Disputes

In NSW the laws have changed, you’re now entitled to free legal assistance.

Work Capacity Decision?

Sometimes Insurance Companies issue a ‘Work Capacity Decision’ to send you back into the workforce, even if you aren’t quite ready. From early 2019, Lawyers are now able to get funding to help dispute these decisions for injured NSW workers, at no cost to the employee. Complete our enquiry form to have your decision referred to an expert lawyer for assistance.

Payments being cut off?

Insurance companies often cut off injured workers from their payments for many different reasons, even if they might not be allowed to. If you need legal assistance to dispute being cut off, complete our enquiry form to have a lawyer contact you about your rights at no charge.

Confusing Letter About Your Claim?

When things just don’t make sense about your claim or you are feeling lost about what to do, it pays to get some proper advice. We can put you in touch with a lawyer to give you free legal advice about your case and what your rights are or what you should do next. Click here to complete an enquiry.

Your Rights

From 1 January 2019, Workers in NSW have the right to get funded legal assistance to help challenge decisions made by Insurers called ‘Work Capacity Decisions’ and also decisions made about their Pre-injury Average Weekly Earnings (‘PIAWE’ – the amount an injured worker is paid each week). These disputes can be pursued through WIRO or through the Workers Compensation Commission and are determined on an urgent basis.

For workers that have decisions made on or after 1 January 2019, these disputes can be brought straight away. For workers that have decisions from before this time, they will need to wait until 1 July 2019 to bring a dispute, but the dispute can be prepared before this date.

Work Capacity Disputes can affect a persons weekly benefits quite significantly, and we have found that injured workers that need help with a Work Capacity Decision often have other rights that they might not know about until they speak with a lawyer. Injured Workers in NSW who have Workers Compensation Claims also have access to ‘Legal-Aid’ type grants, which fully cover their costs for a lawyer to assist with their compensation benefits.

About Us

‘Work Injury Disputes’ is a service set up to provide injured workers in all states and territories of Australia with advice on their workers compensation claims.

To deliver this service, ‘Work Injury Disputes’ has partnered with Don Cameron & Associates, a firm with senior practitioners who specialize in getting proper compensation for injured workers and firing a shot back at the insurance companies who unreasonably deny claims, payments or just make it hard for workers.

Any information provided on this website will be forwarded to Don Cameron & Associates to assist in getting in contact with you and providing you with proper advice. In all work injury cases, they offer the first appointment for free and also assist workers to access services that pay for some or all their legal costs so the worker doesn’t have to worry about finding the money themselves.

Any questions? Not sure if you need help?
Email us at questions@workcapacitydisputes.com.au and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Make an Enquiry